Save your work as a draft in Carrd

Do you know how to save a Carrd without publishing? There is no autosave or a “save as draft” function, but there is a workaround instead.

Save your work as a draft in Carrd
Do you know how to save a Carrd without publishing? There is no autosave or a “save as draft” function, but there is a workaround instead.
If you want to keep some parts of your work as a draft, you can use the Visibility function to exclude elements that are not ready for publishing. It’s not really what this function is designed for but it can serve as a next best thing. This way, you can save your work-in-progress for later, without having to publish every time.

How to save on Carrd

The following is the “save as draft” technique. In simple steps, this is how to save a Carrd without publishing.
The steps make the following assumptions:
  1. You’ve just made some changes to, or added elements to, a Carrd site.
  1. You don’t want to publish those changes yet, and want to exit Carrd.
Step 1: On an element you’ve changed or added, set the Visibility to Exclude in the settings.
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Step 2: Publish your site to save your changes. It’s important to do this, as simply setting Visibility to Exclude is not enough.
You now have a published site – it’s safe to exit Carrd without losing your changes – but with saved (hidden) elements you can come back to later, to continue working on. The saved elements will be hidden from the front end display.
Step 3: To retrieve your hidden elements and continue working on them, simply open your site in the Carrd editor again. Once you’re happy for them to go live, set their Visibility back to Normal and Publish.
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Tip: Group your added/changed content in Containers for easier management of this trick (so you can apply the visibility to the whole Container, not each element)

Taking it one step further

If you want to take the “save as draft” trick one step further, you can create a separate ‘page’ for your drafts. This way, you can keep all of your unfinished work in one (invisible) place and easily access it when you’re ready to continue working on it.
How to do this:
  1. Create a new Section Break (using a Control element) in your Carrd site and set its name to something random, to avoid people stumbling upon it. I use testarea
    1. notion image
  1. Add all of your draft elements to the area below it, and use Publish to save your work. All these elements will be hidden from the front end display.
  1. To continue working on these draft elements, simply open the site in the Carrd editor and continue working.
  1. Once you’re happy for them to go live, move them into the other areas of the site where you want them to show, out of the randomly named Section.
Tip: If you want to view the draft section from the front end, just visit your URL with #testarea on the end (or whatever you called yours). e.g
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